Useful Chess Links ...
Click on the coloured areas for further details
Manchester League results
National chess organisation
Players' national grades
Chess-related phone apps by
National chess championships
National chess league
Competition results

UK Chess Challenge for junior players. World's largest chess competition
South-East Lancashire Summer League
Learner's guide to the game of chess
CSC - National organisation for "Chess in Schools and Communities"
Chess tuition in local schools by former 3Cs' player Paul Keech.
Northern Counties Chess Union - Regional county organisation
Yorkshire Chess - inc. details of possible congresses to play in.
Non-competitive chess club - just for the fun of it !
Test yourself with positional problems on the chess board

ALAN WALTON (right), captain of the 3Cs' 4NCL first team, shown receiving the trophy as Champions of Division 3 in 2003, since when 3Cs won the 2nd Division title in 2015 and now play in Division 1.
All details regarding the league can be found via the "4NCL" link on this page.
EPSCA - National Primary Schools' Organisation
Beginner's guide to the basics of chess - and more
UK's most popular monthly chess magazine
Similarities with chess and legal strategies

PAUL KEECH (left), played many years for 3Cs and now regularly goes into local schools to teach youngsters the game of chess.
Paul is a qualified tutor with the national "Chess in Schools and Communities" programme, for which the details of his activities in the local area can be accessed by clicking on the "Chess Tuition for Kids" link on this page.
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Miners Arts and Music Community Centre, Moston, Manchester.
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