3Cs - Chess on Camera Collection ...
Website sponsored by ...
Miners Arts and Music Community Centre, Moston, Manchester.
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2 February 2023
Images from a 3Cs' club night showing some of our junior members (left) and those with more experience (right).
Pictured are some of the coaching sessions at the weekly 3Cs' club nights every Thursday.
Various groups are organised dependant upon ability and with coaching being given by the use of technology and reading material as well as on the board instruction.
Click on any of the photos for a larger image.
Pictured below is the 2000 Manchester Grammar School chess team - including 3Cs' John Tompson on the extreme left - who finished in the top 4 of the British Schools Championships on 10 occasions from 1991-2002, winning the tournament four times.
On the extreme right is 6 times world snooker champion Steve Davis who was then also President of the British Chess Federation.
Gibraltar Chess Festival
Several 3Cs' players have regularly travelled to play in the annual Gibraltar Chess Festival, some of whom are shown on the right ...
The top photo is from 2018 when Mitchell Burke and Alan Walton were actually drawn to play each other. However there was no "3Cs agreement" on a quick finish and although the game was eventually drawn it was only after four hours of play !
The middle photos show Grandmaster Stephen Gordon in action against world number 8 Shakhriyar Mamedyarov during the 2020 tournament and with the game being shown live on the internet.
Mitchell Burke also played in the 2020 event and can be seen with Stephen Gordon in one of the bottom phtographs - as well as a photo of the famous Gibraltar apes .....You decide which is which !
(Click on any photograph for a larger image)
A recent 3Cs' club night saw some of our young players testing their positional and tactical skills while playing on a variety of alternative-style boards (ie 5x5; 16x12). (Click on any photo for a larger image)
14 December 2023
Jack Gladwin - himself a product of the 3Cs' junior coaching set up - tests his skills against the club's next generation of players.
Sisters Becky and Claire Kerton at the 2013 English Girls' Championships.
Becky (2nd left, in the hat) won her event to become the English Girls' under-16s' champion while Claire (farthest right) was runner-up in the under-18s' competition.
22 June 2019
3Cs' Mischa Tebelev at the Salford International rapidplay tournament.
23 August 2019
3Cs' head coach Phil Adams has been reigning in Spain during the past couple of weeks - firstly he won the veterans' prize at the Pontevedra International Open and has followed that with an equal 4th place finish at a similar event at Mondariz despite missing the first three rounds due to a cold.
The photographs show Phil in action and after the two events with his .. err, trophies !!!
(Click on the photos to enlarge).
9 April 2018
Brothers Kevin and Tim Ye were among the Greater Manchester junior squad who took part in the Irish Junior Championships in Shannon.
That chess is a truly global activity can be seen by the photographs below of 3Cs' Alan Burke's travels around the Earth where he has discovered many places in various countries to have a game.
Left to right
Top.... A cruise in the Antarctic; carvings on the walls of Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia; at the southern tip of South America in Punta Arenas, Chile.
Bottom ... in the street at Cartagena, Colombia, an unusual version (a 10x10 board) in Laos, on the seafront in Puerto Madryn, Arentina
Click on any photograph for a larger image
Oxford or Cambridge ... 3Cs gain the honours !
As well as an annual boat race or rugby game, a Varsity chess match also takes place every year at the RAC club, Pall Mall, London and which has seen both teams having had several 3Cs' players in their ranks.
The top left photo shows the successful Cambridge team of 2007 featuring Elizabeth Roberts (extreme left) while top right is the winning 2017 Oxford side featuring three 3Cs' players - from left to right on the centre row - Joris Gerlagh, Daniel Lea and Jamie Horton.
Bottom left is Daniel Abbas in action during the 2019 fixture in which a win by him in the last match to finish gave victory to Oxford while the following year (bottom right) Daniel was Oxford's captain.
(Photos courtesy of John Saunders) (Click on any photo for larger image)